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Facebook Integration


Signpost's integration with Facebook allow you to publish certain Signpost campaigns onto your Facebook page to drive more visibility and engagement. It will automatically publish your business information from your Signpost Settings onto your Facebook business page.

Integration Setup Instructions

1. If you haven't already, add your Facebook business page URL into your Signpost Reviews tab.

2. In another tab or window, log into your Facebook business page. 

3. Navigate to your Signpost Integrations tab.

4. Scroll down to Integration Categories, and select Communications from the drop down menu. Then, click Connect next to Facebook.


5. Click Continue as (your name).


6. Select for Signpost to have access to your business page. 

Choose.png Show.png

5. Click the OK button.


Now, your Integrations tab should display Facebook under the "Connected Integrations" section. 

Publishing a Signpost Campaign onto Your Facebook Business Page

With Signpost's Facebook integration, you can publicize your campaigns not only to your email marketing subscribers, but also to your Facebook followers! 

1. Go to your Signpost Campaigns tab. 

2. Click Create New, and select Offer.

3. Fill in your campaign information. In the "Next steps for recipient" field, select either "Phone Call" or "Your Redemption Instructions". Fill out the rest of that information accordingly.


4. On the next Audience step, check the box that says Facebook. Once you complete your campaign, it will be posted to your Facebook business page!


Enable or Disable Syncing Your Business Information from Signpost to Facebook

With the Facebook integration, Signpost can automatically publish business information from your Settings tab onto your Facebook business page. This is a seamless and time-saving way to keep your page updated.

1. Go into your Settings tab. 

Anything business information displayed on the Settings Business tab may be published onto your Facebook business page. You can find it in the "about" section.


2. Scroll down to Presence/Review Sites. To automatically sync this information to your Facebook page, toggle one or both on. To disable, toggle one or both off.



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